Buscando información sobre la reciente conferencia celebrada en Roma ("The formation of the Engineer - International Models", febrero de 2011) por CLAIU-EU (Council of Associations of Long Cycle Engineers of a University or Higher School of Engineering of the EU), en la que España está representada entre otros por el Instituto de la Ingeniería de España, me he encontrado con esta noticia:
U.S. sets a new step in engineering formation: as from 2020 licensure in the engineering profession will require 5 years Master degree in engineering.
Recently the NCEES decided to change the Model Law so that all candidates for the Professional Engineer(PE) title will require a Master degree (or 30 additional credit hours beyond a bachelor’s degree) as the educational standard for licensure, starting in 2020. NSPE has supported the concept of requiring education beyond a four-year undergraduate degree since 2002 (Professional Policy 168) and has played an active role in promoting the initiative for additional education. The American Society of Civil Engineers is also a major proponent of an additional education requirement for licensure. ASCE’s Policy Statement 465 states that the civil engineering body of knowledge should be fulfilled by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, a master’s degree, or 30 acceptable credits and experience.
Ya me habían comentado hace poco, comentándolo on representantes de la Universidad de Michigan , que ésta es ahora mismo la tendencia mayoritaria en las Universidades americanas pero parece que se han decidido a oficializar esta postura. ¡Me alegro!
Parece que el acuerdo es unánime a nivel internacional: la Ingeniería es una PROFESIÓN que exige una formación a nivel de Máster, la Ingeniería NO debería asimilarse a una titulación de GRADO.
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